10 REM CHATEAU GAILLARD 20 GOSUB 6800:REM INITIALISE 30 REM **************** 40 REM REPORT TO PLAYER 50 FOR Z=1 TO 1000:NEXT Z 60 CLS 70 GOSUB 3300:REM ROOM DESCRIPTIONS 80 IF A(RO,7)<>0 OR A(RO,9)<>0 OR A(RO,10)<>0 THEN GOSUB 6660:REM OBJECTS 90 IF A(RO,7)>98 THEN PRINT "One of the doors is locked":PRINT "preventing you from exploring":PRINT "further" 100 IF A(RO,8)<>0 THEN PRINT TAB(3);"LOOK OUT!":PRINT "THERE IS A ";M$(A(RO,8));" HERE!":IF RND(1)>.7 AND A(RO,8)<>1 THEN PRINT "THE ";M$(A(RO,8));" ATTACKS!":KW=1:GOSUB 1400:GOTO 40 110 IF ST<1 THEN ST=0 ELSE IF RND(1)>.84 THEN ST=ST-1 120 IF CH<1 THEN CH=0 ELSE IF RND(1)>.84 THEN CH=CH-1 130 IF DE<1 THEN DE=0 ELSE IF RND(1)>.84 THEN DE=DE-1 140 IF IT<1 THEN IT=0 ELSE IF RND(1)>.84 THEN IT=IT-1 150 IF WI<1 THEN WI=0 ELSE IF RND(1)>.84 THEN WI=WI-1 160 IF CO<1 THEN CO=0 ELSE IF RND(1)>.84 THEN CO=CO-1 170 IF RND(1)>.84 AND RO=16 AND A(RO,8)=1 THEN PRINT:PRINT "You hear a whispered voice warning you:":PRINT "'You must do something about the dwarf'" 180 PRINT:PRINT "Your attributes are:" 190 PRINT TAB(4);"Strength -"ST" Charisma -"CH 200 PRINT TAB(4);"Dexterity -"DE" Intelligence -"IT 210 PRINT TAB(4);"Wisdom -"WI" Constitution -"CO 220 IF ST*CH*DE*IT*WI*CO=0 THEN PRINT "You are exhausted...":PRINT "so this adventure must end":QU=2:GOTO 2590 230 FLAG=0 240 FOR J=1 TO 5 250 IF P(J)<>0 THEN FLAG=1 260 NEXT J 270 IF FLAG=0 THEN 340 280 CASH=0 290 PRINT:PRINT "You are carrying:" 300 FOR J=1 TO 5 310 IF P(J)<>0 THEN PRINT TAB(4);O$(P(J)): CASH=CASH+V(P(J)) 320 NEXT J 330 IF CASH>0 THEN PRINT TAB(8);"Total value - $";STR$(CASH) 340 PRINT 350 REM ************** 360 REM INPUT HANDLING 370 KW=0:REM =1 IF WORD UNDERSTOOD 380 FOR Z=1 TO 1000:NEXT Z 390 INPUT "What do you want to do";A$ 400 IF A$="" THEN 390 410 AS=ASC(A$) 420 IF AS<65 OR AS>90 THEN PRINT TAB(3);">>> CAPITAL LETTERS, PLEASE":PRINT:GOTO 390 430 M=LEN(A$):IF M<7 THEN A$=A$+" ":GOTO 430 440 B$=LEFT$(A$,3) 450 IF B$="HEL" THEN PRINT "NO HELP FOR MORTALS IN THIS GAME!":PRINT"...although reading and drinking":PRINT "may help...":GOTO 40 460 IF B$="QUI" THEN QU=4:GOTO 2530 470 N=1 480 IF MID$(A$,N,1)=" " THEN C$=MID$(A$,N+1,3):IF LEFT$(C$,1)<>" " THEN 530 ELSE 500 490 IF N.5 THEN 520 510 PRINT TAB(6);"BY ITSELF,";A$:PRINT TAB(6);"CAN'T BE ACTED ON":GOTO 390 520 PRINT A$;" IS JUST ONE WORD":PRINT TAB(4);"I NEED TWO":GOTO 390 530 IF RO<>8 AND RO<>34 THEN 560 540 IF B$="STA" OR B$="KIL" OR B$="FIG" OR B$="KIC" OR B$="PUN" OR B$="SLA" OR B$="ATT" THEN KW=1:GOSUB 1400 550 IF A(RO,7)>98 AND B$<>"UNL" THEN PRINT TAB(4);"** The doors are locked **":GOTO 40 560 IF B$="STA" OR B$="KIL" OR B$="FIG" OR B$="KIC" OR B$="PUN" OR B$="SLA" OR B$="ATT" THEN KW=1:GOSUB 1400 570 IF B$="GO " OR B$="MOV" OR B$="CLI" OR B$="RUN" OR B$="WAL" THEN KW=1:GOSUB 740 580 IF B$="TAK" OR B$="GET" OR B$="STE" OR B$="LIF" THEN KW=1:GOSUB 950 590 IF B$="DRO" OR B$="PUT" OR B$="THR" OR B$="BRE" THEN KW=1:GOSUB 1160 600 IF B$="UNL" THEN KW=1:GOSUB 2360 610 IF B$="OPE" THEN KW=1:GOSUB 2660 620 IF B$="REA" THEN KW=1:GOSUB 2750 630 IF B$="DRI" OR B$="SWA" THEN KW=1:GOSUB 2870 640 IF B$="BRI" OR B$="PAY" THEN KW=1:GOSUB 3000 650 IF KW=1 THEN 700 660 R=INT(RND(1)*3) 670 IF R=0 THEN PRINT "IT WOULD NOT BE WISE TO ";A$ 680 IF R=1 THEN PRINT "ONLY A FOOL WOULD TRY TO ";A$ 690 IF R=2 THEN PRINT "I DON'T UNDERSTAND '";A$ 700 FOR Z=1 TO 500:NEXT Z 710 GOTO 40 720 REM * END OF MAJOR HANDLING LOOP * 730 REM ******** 740 REM MOVEMENT 750 IF RO<>16 OR A(16,8)<>1 THEN 800 760 PRINT:PRINT "The dwarf refuses to let" 770 PRINT TAB(9);"you proceed..." 780 FOR Z=1 TO 500:NEXT 790 RETURN 800 C$=LEFT$(C$,1) 810 IF C$="N" AND A(RO,1)=0 THEN PRINT "You cannot go that way":RETURN 820 IF C$="S" AND A(RO,2)=0 THEN PRINT "There is no exit south":RETURN 830 IF C$="E" AND A(RO,3)=0 THEN PRINT "I see nowhere to the east to go":RETURN 840 IF C$="W" AND A(RO,4)=0 THEN PRINT "Even you cannot walk through walls":RETURN 850 IF C$="U" AND A(RO,5)=0 THEN PRINT "There is no way to move up":RETURN 860 IF C$="D" AND A(RO,6)=0 THEN PRINT "You cannot descend from here":RETURN 870 IF C$="N" THEN RO=A(RO,1) 880 IF C$="S" THEN RO=A(RO,2) 890 IF C$="E" THEN RO=A(RO,3) 900 IF C$="W" THEN RO=A(RO,4) 910 IF C$="U" THEN RO=A(RO,5) 920 IF C$="D" THEN RO=A(RO,6) 930 RETURN 940 REM ******************* 950 REM GET OBJECTS ROUTINE 960 FLAG=0 970 FOR J=1 TO 5 980 IF P(J)<>0 THEN FLAG=FLAG+1 990 NEXT J 1000 IF FLAG=5 THEN PRINT "You are already carrying your":PRINT "maximum of five objects":RETURN 1010 IF C$="CHE" THEN PRINT "It is far too heavy to lift":RETURN 1020 IF A(RO,7)=0 AND A(RO,9)=0 AND A(RO,10)=0 THEN PRINT "I see nothing to pick up" :RETURN 1030 D$="":E$="":F$="":N=0 1040 D$=LEFT$(O$(A(RO,7)),3) 1050 E$=LEFT$(O$(A(RO,9)),3) 1060 F$=LEFT$(O$(A(RO,10)),3) 1070 IF C$=D$ THEN N=A(RO,7):A(RO,7)=0 1080 IF C$=E$ THEN N=A(RO,9):A(RO,9)=0 1090 IF C$=F$ THEN N=A(RO,10):A(RO,10)=0 1100 J=1 1110 IF P(J)=0 THEN P(J)=N:GOTO 1130 1120 IF J<5 THEN J=J+1:GOTO 1110 1130 IF N>0 THEN PRINT TAB(3);">->YOU NOW HAVE THE ";O$(N) 1140 RETURN 1150 REM ************ 1160 REM DROP ROUTINE 1170 FLAG=0 1180 FOR J=1 TO 5 1190 IF P(J)<>0 THEN FLAG=1 1200 NEXT J 1210 IF FLAG=0 THEN PRINT "You are not carrying anything":RETURN 1220 IF A(RO,7)<>0 AND A(RO,9)<>0 AND A(RO,10)<>0 THEN PRINT "This room already holds its":PRINT TAB(6);"maximum objects":RETURN 1230 D$="":D=0 1240 FOR J=1 TO 18 1250 IF LEFT$(O$(J),3)=C$ THEN D$=O$(J):D=J 1260 NEXT J 1270 IF D$="" THEN PRINT TAB(3);"How can you when you're":PRINT TAB(5);"not holding it?":RETURN 1280 FOR J=1 TO 5 1290 IF P(J)=D THEN P(J)=0 1300 NEXT J 1310 IF A(RO,7)=0 THEN A(RO,7)=D:GOTO 1340 1320 IF A(RO,9)=0 THEN A(RO,9)=D:GOTO 1340 1330 IF A(RO,10)=0 THEN A(RO,10)=D 1340 IF B$="DRO" THEN PRINT "YOU HAVE DROPPED THE ";D$ 1350 IF B$="PUT" THEN PRINT "YOU HAVE PUT THE ";D8;" DOWN" 1360 IF B$="THR" THEN PRINT "WITH A MIGHTY HEAVE, YOU":PRINT "THROW THE ";D$;" AWAY" 1370 IF B$="BRE" THEN PRINT "YOU HAVE BROKEN THE ";D$ 1380 RETURN 1390 REM ************* 1400 REM FIGHT ROUTINE 1410 IF A(RO,8)=1 THEN PRINT "The dwarf refuses to fight":PRINT "and his magic protects him":RETURN 1420 IF A(RO,8)<>0 THEN 1470 1430 R=RND(1) 1440 IF R<.5 THEN PRINT "There is nothing to fight here" 1450 IF R>=.5 THEN PRINT "You can't fight empty air!" 1460 RETURN 1470 G$=M$(A(RO,8)) 1480 S1=INT(RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6)+3 1490 H1=INT(RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6)+3 1500 D1=INT(RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6)+3 1510 I1=INT(RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6)+3 1520 W1=INT(RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6)+3 1530 C1=INT(RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6)+3 1540 PRINT "------------------------------------------" 1550 PRINT "YOUR OPPONENT IS A ";G$ 1560 MT=0:HT=0:REM MONSTER TALLY, HUMAN TALLY 1570 FF=S1*(INT(RND(1)*6)+1) 1580 PRINT:PRINT "---------------------------------------" 1590 PRINT "THE ";G$;"'S DANGER LEVEL IS ";FF 1600 FOR Z=1 TO 1500:NEXT Z 1610 FOR J=1 TO 5 1620 T(J)=0 1630 IF P(J)=1 THEN PRINT "YOUR AXE COULD BE HANDY":T(J)=1 1640 IF P(J)=2 THEN PRINT "YOUR SKILL WITH THE SWORD":PRINT "MAY STAND YOU IN GOOD STEAD":T(J)=2 1650 IF P(J)=3 THEN PRINT "YOUR DAGGER IS USEFUL AGAINST ";G$;"S":T(J)=3 1660 IF P(J)=4 THEN PRINT "THE MACE WILL MAKE SHORT WORK OF IT":T(J)=4 1670 IF P(J)=5 THEN PRINT "YOUR QUARTERSTAFF WILL GIVE":PRINT "IT NO QUARTER...":T(J)=5 1680 IF P(J)=6 THEN PRINT "SWINGING YOUR MORNING STAR MAY INFLICT":PRINT "HEAVY WOUNDS ON THE ";G$:T(J)=6 1690 IF P(J)=7 THEN PRINT "A FALCHION IS A USEFUL WEAPON":T(J)=7 1700 NEXT J 1710 FLAG=0 1720 FOR J=1 TO 5 1730 IF T(J)<>0 THEN FLAG=FLAG+1 1740 NEXT J 1750 IF FLAG=0 THEN PRINT "YOU MUST FIGHT THE ";G$;" WITH":PRINT "YOUR BARE HANDS":GOTO 1910 1760 IF FLAG>1 THEN 1830 1770 FOR J=1 TO 5 1780 IF T(J)<>0 THEN FLAG=T(J) 1790 NEXT J 1800 PRINT "YOU MUST FIGHT WITH YOUR ";O$(FLAG) 1810 FF=INT(FF*2/FLAG) 1820 GOTO 1910 1830 PRINT "CHOOSE YOUR WEAPON:" 1840 FOR J=1 TO 5 1850 IF P(J)<>0 THEN PRINT J;" - ";O$(J) 1860 NEXT J 1870 INPUT "Enter the number to choose";J 1880 IF P(J)=0 THEN PRINT "YOU DO NOT HAVE THE ";O$(J):GOTO 1870 1890 PRINT "RIGHT, SO YOU CHOOSE TO FIGHT":PRINT "WITH THE ";O$(J) 1900 FF=INT(FF*2/J) 1910 FOR Z=1 TO 1500:NEXT Z 1920 PRINT "THE ";G$;" HAS THE FOLLOWING ATTRIBUTES:" 1930 PRINT "1 - Strength"S1" 2 - Charisma";H1 1940 PRINT "3 - Dexterity"D1" 4 - Intelligence"I1 1950 PRINT "5 - Wisdom"W1" 6 - Constitution"C1 1960 PRINT:PRINT "YOUR ATTRIBUTES ARE:" 1970 PRINT "1 - Strength"ST" 2 - Charisma "CH 1980 PRINT "3 - Dexterity"DE" 4 - Intelligence"IT 1990 PRINT "5 - Wisdom"WI" 6 - Constitution"CO 2000 PRINT:PRINT "Which attributes will you fight":PRINT "with (2)"; 2010 INPUT Z,Q 2020 IF Z<1 OR Q<1 OR Z>6 OR Q>6 OR Z=Q THEN PRINT "DO NOT FOOL AROUND WHEN A ";G$:PRINT "IS IN THE ROOM WITH YOU!":GOTO 2010 2030 IF Z=1 OR Q=1 THEN MT=MT+S1:HT=HT+ST 2040 IF Z=2 OR Q=2 THEN MT=MT+H1:HT=HT+CH 2050 IF Z=3 OR Q=3 THEN MT=MT+D1:HT=HT+DE 2060 IF Z=4 OR Q=4 THEN MT=MT+I1:HT=HT+IT 2070 IF Z=5 OR Q=5 THEN MT=MT+W1:HT=HT+WI 2080 IF Z=6 OR Q=6 THEN MT=MT+C1:HT=HT+CO 2090 IF HT=MT THEN PRINT TAB(10);"You are evenly matched":GOTO 2130 2100 PRINT "IT LOOKS LIKE THE ODDS" 2110 PRINT "ARE IN FAVOR OF "; 2120 IF HT>MT THEN PRINT "YOU" ELSE PRINT "THE ";G$ 2130 K=INT(RND(1)*7) 2140 FOR Z=1 TO 700:NEXT Z 2150 PRINT "THE ";G$;" -"MT 2160 PRINT "YOU -"HT:PRINT 2170 IF K=0 THEN PRINT "You struck a splendid blow!":MT=MT-1 2180 IF K=1 THEN PRINT "THE ";G$;" STRIKES OUT":HT=HT-3:ST=ST-1:CH=CH-1 2190 IF K=2 THEN PRINT "YOU DRAW THE ";G$; "'S BLOOD":MT=MT-1 2200 IF K=3 THEN PRINT "You are wounded!!" :HT=HT-INT(RND(1)*3)-1:DE=DE-1 2210 IF K=4 THEN PRINT "THE ";G$;" IS TIRING":MT=MT-1 2220 IF K=5 THEN PRINT "You are bleeding...":HT=HT-2:WI=WI-1:CO=CO-1 2230 IF K=6 THEN PRINT "YOU WOUND THE ";G$:MT=MT-1 2240 IF RND(1)>.25 AND HT>0 AND MT>0 THEN FOR T=1 TO 1600:NEXT T:GOTO 2130 2250 IF HT>MT THEN PRINT "YOU HAVE SLAIN THE ";G$:MK=MK+1:GOTO 2330 2260 PRINT "THE ";G$;" GOT THE BETTER OF": PRINT "YOU THAT TIME..." 2270 IF Z=1 OR Q=1 THEN ST=4*INT(ST/5) 2280 IF Z=2 OR Q=2 THEN CH=3*INT(CH/4) 2290 IF Z=3 OR Q=3 THEN DE=6*INT(DE/7) 2300 IF Z=4 OR Q=4 THEN IT=2*INT(IT/3) 2310 IF Z=5 OR Q=5 THEN WI=5*INT(WI/6) 2320 IF Z=6 OR Q=6 THEN CO=INT(CO/2) 2330 A(RO,8)=0 2340 RETURN 2350 REM ************ 2360 REM UNLOCK DOORS 2370 IF RO<>8 AND RO<>34 OR A(RO,7)<99 THEN PRINT "There is no locked door in this room":RETURN 2380 FLAG=0 2390 T=0 2400 FOR J=1 TO 5 2410 IF P(J)=17 THEN FLAG=1:T=J 2420 IF P(J)=18 THEN FLAG=2:T=J 2430 NEXT J 2440 IF FLAG=0 THEN PRINT "You do not have a key!":RETURN 2450 IF FLAG=2 AND RO=8 OR FLAG=1 AND RO=34 THEN PRINT "That key does not fit this door":RETURN 2460 PRINT "There is a creak as the key turns" 2470 FOR Z=1 TO 1300:NEXT Z 2480 PRINT ".....THE DOOR IS NOW UNLOCKED..." 2490 A(RO,7)=0 2500 P(T)=0 2510 RETURN 2520 REM *********** 2530 REM END OF GAME 2540 SC=0:REM SCORE 2550 IF QU=4 THEN PRINT "I did not imagine you would turn":PRINT TAB(5);"out to be a quitter!":GOTO 2590 2560 PRINT:PRINT "CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed":PRINT TAB(7);"THE ADVENTURE" 2570 SC=100 2580 PRINT:PRINT 2590 SC=(SC+20*CASH+47*MK+ST+2*CH+3*DE+4+IT+5*WI+6*CO)/QU 2600 IF MK>0 THEN PRINT "YOU KILLED"MK"MONSTERS" 2610 IF MK>0 AND CASH>0 THEN PRINT "AND "; 2620 PRINT:PRINT "YOU FOUND $";STR$(CASH);" WORTH":PRINT TAB(8);"OF TREASURE" 2630 PRINT:PRINT "Your score for this Adventure is"SC 2640 END 2650 REM ********** 2660 REM OPEN CHEST 2670 FLAG=0 2680 IF C$<>"CHE" THEN PRINT "THAT WOULD NOT BE WISE":RETURN 2690 IF RO<>13 AND RO<>40 THEN PRINT "I CANNOT SEE ANYTHING TO OPEN HERE":RETURN 2700 IF BOX=1 THEN IF RND(1)>.6 THEN PRINT TAB(4);"It holds nothing but dust...":RETURN 2710 IF RO=13 OR BOX=1 THEN PRINT "IT IS EMPTY!":RETURN 2720 IF BOX=0 THEN PRINT "INSIDE YOU FIND A PARCHMENT, WITH":PRINT "THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE: 'A little":PRINT "man can be bound by gold'":BOX=1 2730 RETURN 2740 REM *********** 2750 REM READ SCROLL 2760 FLAG=0 2770 FOR J=1 TO 5 2780 IF P(J)=12 THEN FLAG=1 2790 NEXT J 2800 IF FLAG=0 THEN PRINT "You are not holding anything":PRINT "which you can read":RETURN 2810 R=INT(RND(1)*3) 2820 IF R=0 THEN PRINT "It says 'THE LOCKS NEED SPECIAL KEYS'" 2830 IF R=1 THEN PRINT "The scroll reads:'CHESTS CAN CONTAIN AID'" 2840 IF R=2 THEN PRINT "It says 'THE AMULET IS IMPORTANT'" 2850 RETURN 2860 REM ************ 2870 REM DRINK POTION 2880 FLAG=0 2890 FOR J=1 TO 5 2900 IF P(J)=13 THEN FLAG=J 2910 NEXT J 2920 IF FLAG=0 THEN PRINT "YOU CAN'T DRINK ";C$:RETURN 2930 PRINT "You are instantly filled with":PRINT "healing, and your strength is restored" 2940 PRINT "The bottle holding the potion" 2950 PRINT "magically fades from view..." 2960 ST=20 2970 P(FLAG)=0 2980 RETURN 2990 REM *********** 3000 REM BRIBE DWARF 3010 IF A(RO,8)<>1 THEN PRINT "YOU SHOULDN'T TRY THAT":PRINT "WITH A ";M$(A(RO,8)):RETURN 3020 PRINT "He demands the amulet!" 3030 FLAG=0 3040 FOR J=1 TO 5 3050 IF P(J)=9 THEN FLAG=J 3060 NEXT J 3070 IF FLAG<>0 THEN 3250 3080 PRINT "YOU DO NOT HAVE IT..." 3090 FOR T=1 TO 1000:NEXT T 3100 IF RND(1)>.5 THEN PRINT "HE WOULD ACCEPT ANYTHIHG":PRINT "THAT HE REALLY WANTS" :GOTO 3210 3110 PRINT "HE DECIDES, HOWEVER, TO ACCEPT" 3120 PRINT "A 'GIFT' OF "; 3130 FOR J=1 TO 5 3140 IF P(J)<>0 THEN FLAG=J 3150 NEXT J 3160 IF FLAG=0 THEN 3200 3170 PRINT "THE ";O$(FLAG) 3180 P(FLAG)=0 3190 GOTO 3270 3200 PRINT "ANYTHING VALUABLE" 3210 PRINT:PRINT "BUT YOU HAVE NOTHING" 3220 PRINT "AND SO HE KILLS YOU!!" 3230 QU=3 3240 GOTO 2570 3250 PRINT "Lucky for you that you had it!" 3260 P(FLAG)=0 3270 A(RO,8)=0 3280 RETURN 3290 REM ***************** 3300 REM ROOM DESCRIPTIONS 3310 IF RO>11 THEN 4140 3320 ON RO GOSUB 3340,3380,3450,3530,3620,3720,3790,3840,3920,3990,4060 3330 RETURN 3340 REM ROOM ONE 3350 PRINT "You are out on the battlements of the" 3360 PRINT "chateau. There is only one way back" 3370 RETURN 3380 REM ROOM TWO 3390 PRINT "This is an eerie room, where once" 3400 PRINT "magicians convorted with evil" 3410 PRINT "sprites and werebeasts..." 3420 PRINT "Exits lead in three directions" 3430 PRINT "An evil smell comes from the south" 3440 RETURN 3450 REM ROOM THREE 3460 PRINT "An old straw mattress lies in one" 3470 PRINT "corner...it has been ripped apart to" 3480 PRINT "find any treasure which was hidden in it" 3490 PRINT "Light comes fitfully from a window to" 3500 PRINT "the north, and around the doors to" 3510 PRINT "south, east and west" 3520 RETURN 3530 REM ROOM FOUR 3540 PRINT "This wooden-panelled room makes" 3550 PRINT "you feel damp and uncomfortable" 3560 IF RND(1)>.5 THEN PRINT "A mouse scampers across the floor" ELSE PRINT "A bat flits across the ceiling" 3570 PRINT "There are three doors leading" 3580 PRINT "from this room, one made of iron" 3590 PRINT "Your sixth sense warns you to" 3600 PRINT "choose carefully..." 3610 RETURN 3620 REM ROOM FIVE 3630 PRINT "You ignore your intuition..." 3640 PRINT "A Spell of Living Stone, primed" 3650 PRINT "to trap the first intruder has" 3660 PRINT "been set on you...with your last" 3670 PRINT "seconds of life you have time" 3680 PRINT "only to feel profound regret..." 3700 SC=50 3710 GOTO 2590 3720 REM ROOM SIX 3730 PRINT "You are in an L-shaped room" 3740 PRINT "Heavy parchment lines the walls" 3750 PRINT "You can see through an archway" 3760 PRINT "to the east...but that is not" 3770 PRINT "the only exit from this room" 3780 RETURN 3790 REM ROOM SEVEN 3800 PRINT "There is an archway to the west," 3810 PRINT "leading to an L-shaped room" 3820 PRINT "a door leads in the opposite direction" 3830 RETURN 3840 REM ROOM EIGHT 3850 PRINT "This must be the Chateau's main kitchen" 3860 PRINT "but any food left here has long" 3870 PRINT "rotted away..." 3880 PRINT 3890 PRINT "A door leads to the north, and" 3900 PRINT "there is one to the west" 3910 RETURN 3920 REM ROOM NINE 3930 PRINT "You find yourself in a small," 3940 PRINT "room...which makes you feel" 3950 PRINT "claustrophobic...":PRINT 3960 PRINT "There is a picture of a black" 3970 PRINT "dragon painted on the north" 3980 PRINT "wall, above the door..." 3990 REM ROOM TEN 4000 PRINT "A stairwell ends in this room, which" 4010 PRINT "more of a landing than a real" 4020 PRINT "room. The door to the north is" 4030 PRINT "made of iron, which has rusted" 4040 PRINT "over the centuries..." 4050 RETURN 4060 REM ROOM ELEVEN 4070 PRINT "There is a stone archway to the north," 4080 PRINT "You are in a very long room." 4090 PRINT:PRINT "Fresh air blows down some stairs" 4100 PRINT "and rich red drapes cover" 4110 PRINT "the walls...You can see doors" 4120 PRINT "to the south and east" 4130 RETURN 4140 IF RO>22 THEN 5030 4150 ON RO-11 GOSUB 4170,4240,4330,4390,4460,4530,4610,4710,4760,4890,4970 4160 RETURN 4170 REM ROOM TWELVE 4180 PRINT "You have entered a room filled" 4190 PRINT "with swirling, choking smoke." :PRINT 4200 PRINT "you must leave quickly to remain" 4210 PRINT "healthy enough to continue" 4220 PRINT "your chosen quest..." 4230 RETURN 4240 REM ROOM THIRTEEN 4250 PRINT "There is a mirror in the corner" 4260 PRINT "you glance at it, and feel" 4270 PRINT "suddenly very ill.":PRINT 4280 PRINT "You realise the looking-glass has" 4290 PRINT "been enfused with a Spell of Charisma" 4300 PRINT "Reduction...oh dear..." 4310 CH=CH-1 4320 RETURN 4330 REM ROOM FOURTEEN 4340 PRINT "This room is richly finished, with" 4350 PRINT "a white marble floor. Strange" 4360 PRINT "footprints lead to the two doors" 4370 PRINT "from this room...Dare you follow them?" 4380 RETURN 4390 REM ROOM FIFTEEN 4400 PRINT "You are in a long, long" 4410 PRINT "hallway, lined on each side" 4420 PRINT "with rich, red drapes..." 4430 PRINT:PRINT "They are parted halfway down" 4440 PRINT "the east wall where there is a door" 4450 RETURN 4460 REM ROOM SIXTEEN 4470 PRINT "Someone has spent a long time" 4480 PRINT "painting this room a bright yellow..." 4490 PRINT:PRINT "You remember reading that" 4500 PRINT "yellow Is the Ancient Oracle's" 4510 PRINT "Color of Warning..." 4520 RETURN 4530 REM ROOM SEVENTEEN - START 4540 PRINT "As you stumble down the ladder" 4550 PRINT "you fall into the room. The ladder" 4560 PRINT "crashes down behind you...there" 4570 PRINT "is now no way back..." 4580 PRINT:PRINT "A small door leads east from" 4590 PRINT "this very cramped room..." 4600 RETURN 4610 REM ROOM EIGHTEEN 4620 PRINT "You find yourself in a Hall of" 4630 PRINT "Mirrors...and see yourself" 4640 PRINT "reflected a hundred times or" 4650 PRINT "more...Through the bright glare" 4660 PRINT "you can make out doors in all" 4670 PRINT "directions...You notice the" 4680 PRINT "mirrors around the east door" 4690 PRINT "are heavily tarnished..." 4700 RETURN 4710 REM ROOM NINETEEN 4720 PRINT "You find yourself in a long corridor" 4730 FOR Z=1 TO 1000:NEXT Z 4740 PRINT "Your footsteps echo as you walk" 4750 RETURN 4760 REM ROOM TWENTY 4770 PRINT "You feel as you've been wandering" 4780 PRINT "around this chateau for ever..." 4790 PRINT "and you begin to despair of ever" 4800 PRINT "escaping..." 4810 PRINT:PRINT "Still, you can't get too depressed, but" 4820 PRINT "must struggle on. Looking around, you" 4830 PRINT "see you are in a room which has a" 4840 PRINT "heavy timbered ceiling, and white" 4850 PRINT "roughly-finished walls..." 4860 PRINT:PRINT "There are two doors..." 4870 FOR Z=1 TO 1000:NEXT Z 4880 RETURN 4890 REM ROOM TWENTY-ONE 4900 PRINT "You are in a small alcove. You" 4910 PRINT "look around...but can see nothing in" 4920 PRINT "gloom...perhaps if you wait a" 4930 PRINT "while your eyes will adjust to the" 4940 PRINT "murky dark of this alcove..." 4950 FOR Z=1 TO 2000:NEXT:RETURN 4960 RETURN 4970 REM ROOM TWENTY-TWO 4980 PRINT "A dried-up fountain stands in the" 4990 PRINT "center of this courtyard, which" 5000 PRINT "once held beautiful flowers...but" 5010 PRINT "have long-since died..." 5020 RETURN 5030 IF RO>33 THEN 5890 5040 ON RO-22 GOSUB 5060,5110,5160,5230,5280,5380,5450,5530,5590,5680,5840 5050 RETURN 5060 REM ROOM TWENTY-THREE 5070 PRINT "The scent of dying flowers fills" 5080 PRINT "this brightly-lit room..." 5090 PRINT:PRINT "There are two exits from it.." 5100 RETURN 5110 REM ROOM TWENTY-FOUR 5120 PRINT "This is a round stone cavern" 5130 PRINT "off the side of the alcove to" 5140 PRINT "your north..." 5150 RETURN 5160 REM ROOM TWENTY-FIVE 5170 PRINT "You are in an enormous circular" 5180 PRINT "room, which looks as if it was" 5190 PRINT "used as a games room. Rubble covers" 5200 PRINT "the floor, partially blocking" 5210 PRINT "the only exit..." 5220 RETURN 5230 REM ROOM TWENTY-SIX 5240 PRINT "Through the dim mustiness of" 5250 PRINT "this small potting shed you can" 5260 PRINT "see a stairwell..." 5270 RETURN 5280 REM ROOM TWENTY-SEVEN - START 5290 PRINT "You begin this Adventure in a small" 5300 PRINT "wood outside the Chateau..." 5310 FOR Z=1 TO 3000:NEXT Z 5320 PRINT:PRINT "While out walking one day, you come" 5330 PRINT "across a small, ramshackle shed in" 5340 PRINT "the woods. Entering it, you see a" 5350 PRINT "hole in one corner...an old ladder" 5360 PRINT "leads down from the hole..." 5370 RETURN 5380 REM ROOM TWENTY-EIGHT - END 5390 PRINT "How wonderful! Fresh air, sunlight..." 5400 FOR Z=1 TO 1000:NEXT Z 5410 PRINT:PRINT "Birds are singing...you" 5420 PRINT "are free at last...." 5430 PRINT:PRINT 5440 GOTO 2560 5450 REM ROOM TWENTY NINE 5460 PRINT "The smell came from bodies" 5470 PRINT "rotting in huge traps..." 5480 FOR Z=1 TO 1000:NEXT Z 5490 PRINT "One springs shut on you," 5500 PRINT "trapping you forever" 5510 QU=3.5 5520 GOTO 2570 5530 REM ROOM THIRTY 5540 PRINT "You fall into a pit of flames..." 5550 IF RND(1)>.7 THEN 5540 5560 SC=10 5570 QU=3.4 5580 GOTO 2590 5590 REM ROOM THIRTY-ONE 5600 PRINT "Aaaaahhh...you have fallen into" 5610 FOR Z=1 TO 3000:NEXT Z 5620 PRINT "a pool of acid...now you know - too" 5630 PRINT "late - why the mirrors were" 5640 PRINT "so badly tarnished" 5650 SC=20 5660 QU=3 5670 GOTO 2590 5680 REM ROOM THIRTY-TWO 5690 PRINT "It's too bad you chose that exit" 5700 PRINT "from the alcove..." 5710 FOR Z=1 TO 2000:NEXT Z 5720 PRINT "A giant Funnel-Web Spider leaps" 5730 PRINT "on you...and before you can react" 5740 PRINT "bites you on the neck...you" 5750 PRINT "have 10 seconds to live..." 5760 FOR T= 10 TO 1 STEP -1 5770 PRINT TAB(T);T 5780 FOR Z=1 TO 300:NEXT Z 5790 PRINT 5800 NEXT T 5810 SC=3 5820 QU=5 5830 GOTO 2590 5840 REM ROOM THIRTY-THREE 5850 PRINT "A stairwell leads into this room, a" 5860 PRINT "poor and common hovel with many" 5870 PRINT "doors and exits..." 5880 RETURN 5890 ON RO-33 GOSUB 5920,5970,6030,6100,6240,6310,6360,6430,6510,6560,6600 5900 RETURN 5910 REM **DESCRIPTIONS** 5920 REM ROOM THIRTY-FOUR 5930 PRINT "It is hard to see in this room," 5940 PRINT "and you slip slightly on the" 5950 PRINT "uneven, rocky floor..." 5960 RETURN 5970 REM ROOM THIRTY-FIVE 5980 PRINT "Horrors! This room was once" 5990 PRINT "the torture chamber of the Chateau.." 6000 PRINT:PRINT "Skeletons lie on the floor, still" 6010 PRINT "with chains around the bones..." 6020 RETURN 6030 REM ROOM THIRTY-SIX 6040 PRINT "Another room with very unpleasant" 6050 PRINT "memories..." 6060 FOR Z=1 TO 1000:NEXT Z 6070 PRINT:PRINT "This foul hole was used as the" 6080 PRINT "Chateau dungeon...." 6090 RETURN 6100 REM ROOM THIRTY-SEVEN 6110 PRINT "Oh no, this is a Gargoyle's lair..." 6120 FOR Z=1 TO 1000:NEXT Z 6130 PRINT "It has been held prisoner here for" 6140 PRINT "three hundred years..." 6150 FOR Z=1 TO 1000:NEXT Z 6160 PRINT:PRINT "In his frenzy he thrashes out at you..." 6170 FOR Z=1 TO 1000:NEXT Z 6180 PRINT TAB(12);"and..." 6190 FOR Z=1 TO 1000:NEXT Z 6200 PRINT "...breaks your neck!!" 6210 SC=0 6220 QU=3 6230 GOTO 2590 6240 REM ROOM THIRTY-EIGHT 6250 PRINT "This was the Lower Dancing Hall..." 6260 PRINT "With doors to the north, the east" 6270 PRINT "and to the west, you would seem to be" 6280 PRINT "able to flee any danger..." 6290 FOR Z=1 TO 1000:NEXT Z 6300 RETURN 6310 REM ROOM THIRTY-NINE 6320 PRINT "This is a dingy pit at the foot of" 6330 PRINT "some extremely dubious-looking" 6340 PRINT "stairs. A door leads to the east..." 6350 RETURN 6360 REM ROOM FORTY 6370 PRINT "Doors open to each compass point from" 6380 PRINT "the Trophy Room of the Chateau..." 6390 PRINT:PRINT "The heads of strange creatures shot" 6400 PRINT "by the ancestral owners are mounted" 6410 PRINT "high up on each wall..." 6420 RETURN 6430 REM ROOM FORTY-ONE 6440 PRINT "You have stumbled on a secret room..." 6450 FOR Z=1 TO 1300:NEXT Z 6460 PRINT:PRINT "Down here, eons ago, the ancient" 6470 PRINT "Necromancers of Thorin plied their" 6480 PRINT "evil craft...and the remnant of" 6490 PRINT "their spells hangs heavy on the air..." 6500 RETURN 6510 REM ROOM FORTY-TWO 6520 PRINT "Cobwebs brush your face as you make" 6530 PRINT "your way through the gloom of this" 6540 PRINT "room of shadows..." 6550 RETURN 6560 REM ROOM FORTY-THREE 6570 PRINT "This gloomy passage lies at the" 6580 PRINT "intersection of three rooms..." 6590 RETURN 6600 REM ROOM FORTY-FOUR 6610 PRINT "You are in the rear turret room, below" 6620 PRINT "the extreme western wall of the" 6630 PRINT "ancient chateau..." 6640 RETURN 6650 REM **************** 6660 REM DESCRIBE OBJECTS 6670 PRINT 6680 IF A(RO,7)>98 AND A(RO,9)=0 AND A(RO,10)=0 THEN RETURN 6690 PRINT TAB(3)"YOU CAN SEE "; 6700 IF A(RO,7)>98 THEN 6720 6710 IF A(RO,7)<>0 THEN PRINT O$(A(RO,7)) 6720 IF A(RO,9)>98 THEN 6740 6730 IF A(RO,9)<>0 THEN PRINT O$(A(RO,9)) 6740 IF A(RO,10)>98 THEN 6760 6750 IF A(RO,10)<>0 THEN PRINT O$(A(RO,10)) 6760 FOR Z=1 TO 500:NEXT Z 6770 PRINT 6780 RETURN 6790 REM ********** 6800 REM INITIALISE 6810 CLS 6820 IF INKEY$<>"" THEN 6820 6830 N=0 6840 PRINT "PRESS ANY KEY TO START THE ADVENTURE" 6850 IF INKEY$="" THEN N=N+1:GOTO 6850 6860 RANDOMIZE N 6870 CLS 6880 PRINT:PRINT "Please stand by..." 6900 DIM A(44,10),P(5),O$(20),V(20),M$(20),T(5) 6910 ST=INT(RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6)+3 6920 CH=INT(RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6)+3 6930 DE=INT(RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6)+3 6940 IT=INT(RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6)+3 6950 WI=INT(RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6)+3 6960 CO=INT(RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6+RND(1)*6)+3 6970 CASH=0:REM TREASURE 6980 RO=27:REM STARTING ROOM 6990 QU=1:REM END OF CAME FLAG 7000 MK=0:REM MONSTERS KILLED 7010 BOX=0:REM CHEST FLAG 7020 A(8,7)=99:REM LOCKED DOOR i 7030 A(34,7)=100:REM LOCKED DOOR ii 7040 A(40,7)=20:REM CHEST 7050 A(13,7)=19:REM CHEST 7060 A(16,8)=1:REM DWARF 7070 REM SET UP ROOMS 7080 FOR X=1 TO 44 7090 FOR Y=1 TO 10 7100 READ A(X,Y) 7110 NEXT Y 7120 NEXT X 7130 REM DISTRIBUTE TREASURE 7140 RESTORE 7830 7150 FOR Z=1 TO 20 7160 READ O$(Z), V(Z) 7170 NEXT Z 7180 FOR Q=1 TO 16 7190 Z=INT(RND(1)*44)+1 7200 IF Z=5 OR Z=17 OR Z=27 OR Z=29 OR Z=30 OR Z=31 OR Z=32 OR Z=37 THEN 7190 7210 IF A(Z,7)<>0 THEN 7190 7220 A(Z,7)=Q 7230 NEXT Q 7240 PRINT 7250 PRINT TAB(3);"Just a few moments more..." 7260 REM DISTRIBUTE MONSTERS 7270 RESTORE 7870 7280 FOR J=1 TO 20 7290 READ M$(J) 7300 IF J=1 THEN 7350 7310 Z=INT(RND(1)*44)+1 7320 IF Z=5 OR Z=16 OR Z=17 OR Z=27 OR Z=29 OR Z=30 OR Z=31 OR Z=32 OR Z=37 THEN 7310 7330 IF A(Z,8)<>0 THEN 7310 7340 A(Z,8)=J 7350 NEXT J 7360 RETURN 7370 REM ROOM DATA 7380 DATA 1,1,2,1,1,1,0,0,0,0:REM 1 7390 DATA 0,29,3,1,0,0,17,0,0,0:REM 2 7400 DATA 0,8,4,2,0,0,0,0,0,0:REM 3 7410 DATA 0,9,5,3,0,0,0,0,0,0:REM 4 7420 DATA 5,5,5,5,5,5,0,0,0,0:REM 5 7430 DATA 0,11,7,30,0,0,0,0,0,0:REM 6 7440 DATA 0,0,8,6,0,0,0,0,0,0:REM 7 7450 DATA 3,0,0,7,0,0,99,0,0,0:REM 8 7460 DATA 4,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0:REM 9 7470 DATA 9,0,0,0,0,39,0,0,0,0:REM 10 7480 DATA 6,0,0,0,28,0,0,0,0,0:REM 11 7490 DATA 0,16,13,0,0,0,0,0,0,0:REM 12 7500 DATA 0,0,14,12,0,0,19,0,0,0:REM 13 7510 DATA 0,18,0,13,0,0,0,0,0,0:REM 14 7520 DATA 0,21,16,0,0,0,0,0,0,0:REM 15 7530 DATA 12,20,19,15,0,0,0,1,0,0:REM 16 7540 DATA 0,0,18,0,27,0,0,0,0,0:REM 17 7550 DATA 14,19,31,17,0,0,0,0,0,0:REM 18 7560 DATA 18,23,0,16,0,0,0,0,0,0:REM 19 7570 DATA 16,25,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0:REM 20 7580 DATA 15,24,0,32,0,0,0,0,0,0:REM 21 7590 DATA 0,26,23,0,0,0,0,0,0,0:REM 22 7600 DATA 19,0,0,22,0,0,0,0,0,0:REM 23 7610 DATA 21,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0:REM 24 7620 DATA 20,25,25,25,25,25,0,0,0,0:REM 25 7630 DATA 22,0,0,0,0,33,0,0,0,0:REM 26 7640 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,17,0,0,0,0:REM 27 7650 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,11,0,0,0,0:REM 28 7660 DATA 29,29,29,29,29,29,0,0,0,0:REM 29 7670 DATA 30,30,30,30,30,30,0,0,0,0:REM 30 7680 DATA 31,31,31,31,31,31,0,0,0,0:REM 31 7690 DATA 32,32,32,32,32,32,0,0,0,0:REM 32 7700 DATA 43,42,40,0,26,0,0,0,0,0:REM 33 7710 DATA 0,38,35,0,0,0,100,0,0,0:REM 34 7720 DATA 0,43,36,34,0,0,0,0,0,0:REM 35 7730 DATA 0,40,37,35,0,0,0,0,0,0:REM 36 7740 DATA 37,37,37,37,37,37,0,0,0,0:REM 37 7750 DATA 34,0,43,39,0,0,0,0,0,0:REM 38 7760 DATA 0,0,38,0,10,0,0,0,0,0:REM 39 7770 DATA 36,41,44,33,0,0,20,0,0,0:REM 40 7780 DATA 40,41,41,42,41,41,0,0,0,0:REM 41 7790 DATA 33,42,41,42,42,42,0,0,0,0:REM 42 7800 DATA 35,33,0,38,0,0,0,0,0,0:REM 43 7810 DATA 0,0,0,40,0,0,18,0,0,0:REM 44 7820 REM OBJECT/VALUE DATA 7830 DATA "AXE",0,"SWORD",0,"DAGGER",0,"MACE",0 7840 DATA "QUARTERSTAFF",0,"MORNING STAR",0,"FALCHION",0 7850 DATA "CRYSTAL RALL",99,"AMULET",247,"EBONY RING",166,"GEMS",462,"MYSTIC SCROLL",195,"HEALING POTION",231,"DILITHIUM CRYSTALS",162,"COPPER PIECES",27,"DIADEM",141,"SILVER KEY",0,"GOLDEN KEY",0,"CHEST OF STONE",0,"CHEST MADE OF IRON",0 7860 REM DATA MONSTERS 7870 DATA "DWARF","MONOCEROS","PARADRUS","VAMPYRE","WRNACH","GIOLLA DACKER","KRAKEN","FENRIS WOLF","CALOPUS","BASILISK" 7880 DATA "GRIMOIRE","FLYING BUFFALO","BERSERKOID","WYRM","CROWTHERWOOD","GYGAX","RAGNAROK","FOMORINE","HAFGYGR","GRENDEL"