Werewolves and Wanderer including a dynamic map

This article is about another adventure game, Werewolves and Wanderer, from the famous book « Creating Adventure games on your computer » by Tim Hartnell.

Well, this game is old-fashioned and not that entertaining. Comments on IFDB are not very appealing. However, it has some historical interests. And to make it fun for the programmer, I’ve added some interesting features:

  • A semigraphic introduction;
  • A help function providing the vocabulary understood by the programme;
  • And the most interesting part: a dynamic map.

As usual I’ve coded in Applesoft BASIC but it is really easy to convert the programme to other BASIC dialects.

Semigraphic introduction
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Tower of Mystery

I came recently accross an old adventure game while I was trying to sort the numerous files on my main computer. I had dowloaded « Tower of Mystery » several years ago, forgot the file somewhere and never tested it.

Yes, I know, this is yet another two-word parser adventure game, from the eighties, and implemented in old BASIC. However, you might find this one interesting, as I do.

Detail from the corver of « Compute!’s… »
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CIA , un autre jeu d’aventure en BASIC

CIA Adventure – Intro pour Apple II

J’ai publié il y a quelques années un jeu d’aventure intitulé CIA. Ce jeu est issu du livre BASIC fun with adventure games de Margaret Ann Zuannich et Susan Drake Lipscomb. Le code source en BASIC est disponible ici. Le thème est celui de l’espionnage.

Il s’avère qu’il existe un autre jeu d’aventure en anglais, également en mode texte, également programmé en BASIC, avec un nom très proche ; CIA Adventure. Le jeu a été publié dans le magazine CLOAD en octobre 1980, pour l’ordinateur TRS-80. L’auteur est Hugh Lampert.

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